Wednesday, October 5, 2011

20 Questions of the Interview

Category One: Basic Information of the Country
1. The name and the location of the country
I want to know its basic information before I go on.
2. How many people live in your country?  What is the color of the people?
I want to know its population and people’s color in their country.
Category Two: Education System
3. How many years of education are required for the children to receive in your country?
  Based on the nine-year compulsory education system in China, I want to know if yours is the same or different.
4. Does the government pay the tuition for the students to obtain education or not?
  I want to know the relations between the education system and the government, if the government pays how many years it will be responsible.
5. Do you need to pass an entrance test to get into college after high school?
  Every country’s system is different, I want to know if yours is the same as ours or not.
6. How does the college class in your country look like? Is it the same as in America or not?
I want to know some details of how the class runs in their college, is it of no difference?
Category Three: Family
7. How many children does each family usually have in your country?
I want to its fertility rate, and if it is creating over-population problem to the world.
8. Does the government punish or reward the family for giving birth after each family had certain number of children?
I want to know how the government reacts towards the fertility rate in their country. Does it oppose or support?
9. Are children in your country responsible for taking care of their parents in their old age?
I want to know the family-culture in their country. Should the children take care of their parents or their parents take care of themselves?
10. How old are people in your country by the time they get married?
I want to know how long young people wait with marriage, when they think the time and conditions are right, and where they live, once married.
Category Four: Culture
11. What kind of food do you have in your country? Is it spicy or sweet?
I want to know the food culture in their country.
12. Does family like to go out for meal or have a feast at home when there is something that is worth to celebrate?
I want to know how people in their country like to celebrate their party or holiday.
13. Is there any culture that can represent your country?
Each country has something that is unique compare to other country and can represent itself, I want to what is in their country that can be representative.
14. Do people in your country dress like American?
I want to know what the clothes is looking like in their country, is it the same as American or ours.
15. Dose female in your country have the equal rights as the man or not?
I want to know if the women are discriminated or not in their country. How serious is it?
16. What is the most popular sport in your country?
I want to know what people like to do in their country when they do exercise.
17. What kind of Martial Arts do people practice in your country?
I want to the Martial Arts system in their country, since I do Chinese Martial Arts myself.
18. Do people in your country like to watch a movie in theater or at home?
I want to just people’s habit of enjoying theatrical culture.
Category Five: Religion
19. What is people’s religion in your country?
I want to know what people will believe in their place, what people will ask help for when there are in trouble.
20. Do you have more than one religion in your country? 
I want to know the religion system in their country.

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